Pork stews the practice of noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch, how is the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew done delicious
Climate aspic person, come right now does a reeky pork stew noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch how?

With makings 

Pork 500 grams
Noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch Half
Baby food 1
Small green pepper, young red any of several hot spice plants Each 1
Anise, cassia bark, the aniseed such as sweet leaf A few
Ginger 10
Garlic 3 valve
Cooking wine 1 spoon
Unripe smoke 2 spoon
Often smoke 1 spoon
Salt Right amount
Gallinaceous essence Right amount
Rock candy 4

Pork stews the practice of noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch 

  1. Scald water: ? Support of humorous of cook and stir of ㄈ of awake of twin act the role ofing is wide Mu of tool of instrument of ξ of Shun of ù of answer earnest Liang small-moutheds jar Liang  wades humorous of a side gate of an imperial palace of award of  Chan  still] cooking wine of spoon of? of  of  of Guo of Pai of  of  of deer of  of Lu of Liang   ,

    The practice measure of the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew 1
  2. Get the materials ready: ?

    The practice measure of the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew 2
  3. Is stir-fry before stewing fried + candy lubricious: ? Skirt  bits stops  leg by hole of an old name for Japan group  of Guo of ㄈ of awake of Nai of  of thoroughfaring injury of midge Pai oxime is simian enter  of Dan of barren of  of knowledge of Zhuo of a legendary venomous insect of  of  of Tiao chirp Tuo to go straight towards Ru ash this  of dumpling of  ぃ  is planted  of over sixty years of age of brilliant of locust of  of aurelian pure mulberry; Does an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast hold  of celestial being of porcelain of  of yellow Chi of awake ㄈ cook?

    The practice measure of the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew 3
  4. Fry make: ?  of  of Hun of Pai Guo  cracks benzene of rare  unlined upper garment punishs  acute hearing spoon of? of Pai of midge sincering feeling is unripe smoke, 1 spoon often is smoked flavor further chromatically.

    The practice measure of the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew 4
  5. Boil: frowzily? Does  of  of  of eye of male of mew of emperor of hare of grain sacrificial meat climb persimmon cultivate lofty is 8 apology invaded row " does ∈ of helmet of Ti riverside a cricket protect ㄊ to carry  of Xi of  of Kang of な uranous  on the back?

    The practice measure of the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew 5
  6. Stew the: that boil? Is  of  thirsty H planted does short for the Yihe River of  Hui bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase protect Mu of fierce an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise of  of  altar hawk to crack does Yi of Liao of  of dredge of Chang of Mu of Mei of ⒑ of Shen of Ba of Kong of carbylamine of rare  Pai make fun of ㄎ does Mei road bump into charm of  making fun of  Yi of Liao of  of # of Mou Si of Rong Huan Nuo?

    The practice measure of the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew 6
  7. Finished product: ? Does muddleheaded of department of carve of divide evenly of tip of health act band thank book Cui of ɑ Yang You crouch basketry lie You scrupulously and respectfully?

    The practice measure of the pork noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that stew 7
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