The practice of pink of bowel of pig of ground meat evaporate, how to do delicious
Summer has rice very afflictive, be inferior to having bit of white kind

With makings 

Steaky pork
Right amount
Lean lean
Right amount
Pig bowel pink Half jins
Garlic Chengdu
One spoon
One spoon
One spoon
One spoon half
Peanut oil
Two spoon

The practice of pink of bowel of pig of ground meat evaporate 

  1. steaky pork and lean lean a chop becomes ground meat

    The practice measure of pink of bowel of pig of ground meat evaporate 1
  2. Cut pig bowel pink paragraph, put one spoon salt to catch divide evenly

    The practice measure of pink of bowel of pig of ground meat evaporate 2
  3. Ground meat puts two spoon soy, candy of one spoon Bai Sha, two spoon peanut oil, one spoon is amylaceous, catch divide evenly

  4. Green cuts grain account

    The practice measure of pink of bowel of pig of ground meat evaporate 4
  5. Burn boiler and oil red put garlic powder to explode later sweet, put ground meat to fry to again become angry can

    The practice measure of pink of bowel of pig of ground meat evaporate 5
  6. Pig bowel pink lays a foundation, ground meat is put above, conflagration evaporate 15 minutes, pig bowel pink becomes transparent can.

    The practice measure of pink of bowel of pig of ground meat evaporate 6
2020-01-26 JP needrealreview