Asparagus fries the practice of turkey brisket end, how to do delicious
Special quick worker, ten minutes of delicate health that can have done decrease grease food.

With makings 

Turkey brisket end Right amount
5 valve
A few
Oyster sauce
1 spoon

Asparagus fries the practice of turkey brisket end 

  1. Asparagus is abluent cut paragraphs small, garlic cuts broken end, turkey brisket end buys in Costco supermarket.

    , enter a few olive oil, the oily hot tip that put garlic explodes sweet.

  2. Enter turkey brisket last stage, fry ground meat to become angry can, fill piece.

  3. Add a few salt, one spoon oyster sauce, a few often smoke, black pepper, break up fry. Add chili of one spoon chop, do not be fond of hot need not add. Give boiler, delicate and goluptious.

    The practice measure that asparagus fries turkey brisket end 3

Small stick person

Buy the word that is less than turkey brisket end, also can use pigeon breast flesh to replace.
2020-11-23 JP needrealreview