Tomato egg scoops up the practice of the face, how to do delicious
What Up boils is 3 people portion, it is according to 3 people deal comes so mensurable.

With makings 

3 people portion
3 valve
15 grams of 10 ~
Unripe smoke
2 spoon
Often smoke
1 spoon
2 spoon
Give birth to pink
2 spoon

Tomato egg scoops up the practice of the face 

  1. Prepare data first, had cut reserve.

    The practice measure that tomato egg gains a face 1
  2. Boil a face first, in cold water is being put after boiling the face stand-by.

    The practice measure that tomato egg gains a face 2
  3. When boiling here, the mobile phone does not have report to close machine, this process was not patted, I tell in detail: Two boiler fall to shovel edible oil to conflagration in leaving, garlic is put down go exploding sweet. Tomato cuts shiver to be put into boiler to break up fry dichotomy bell, be born into two spoon next smoke, two spoon ketchup, one spoon often is smoked, 10 ~ 15 grams salt (read your taste) break up a bowl of big water is entered after frying a minute, egg juice is added after water leaves. Add the unripe pink water of mix up finally, turn liquid into sauce.

    The practice measure that tomato egg gains a face 3
  4. Electrify of mobile phone add continues to pat ~ to place dish: First shop front, drench again sauce, scatter next on chopped green onion.

    The practice measure that tomato egg gains a face 4
2020-02-22 JP needrealreview