Cold wind is brisk, microtherm will raid
Do not think the day that outside eating, sells, need is satiate have warmth
That comes the gold egg of a bowl of quick worker
Fry a meal

With makings 

Rice 1 bowl
Egg 3
Tomato Half
Cucumber Half
Chopped green onion A few
Salt A few
Edible oil A few

[fry] the practice that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 

  1. Get ready ahead of schedule feed capable person

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 1
  2. The egg infiltrates salt is joined to hit divide evenly in the basin
    Rice puts a few minutes into egg fluid

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 2
  3. Heat is burned into oil inside boiler

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 3
  4. Fry tomato and cucumber ripe

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 4
  5. Cheer again burn heat to pour rice

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 5
  6. Turn medium baking temperature breaks up quickly fry

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 6
  7. Pour tomato and cucumber

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 7
  8. Scatter on a few chopped green onion

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 8
  9. Break up quickly fry a few times

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 9
  10. Delicious have nutrition again

    [fry] the practice measure that vegetable gold egg fries a meal 10
2020-01-26 JP needrealreview