Pineapple egg fries the practice of the meal, pineapple egg fries a meal how to be done delicious
The time that leftover did not buy food comes a simple pineapple egg
Fry a meal
, deserve to go up the mouthfeel with pineapple acerbity sweet acid, perfect to extremely.
Pineapple cookbook

With makings 

1 bowl
Smaller part
Luncheon meat (ham flesh) 34
3 ~ 5g
Unripe smoke
1 spoon
Salad oil

Pineapple egg fries the practice of the meal 

  1. Prepare place to need to feed capable person

    The practice measure that pineapple egg fries a meal 1
  2. All feeding material cuts Ding Bei to use

    The practice measure that pineapple egg fries a meal 2
  3. The egg adds 2g salt break up of half spoon yellow rice or millet wine, a few salad oil falls after cast-iron boiler heats, the egg first decoct is ripe, scoop reserve

    The practice measure that pineapple egg fries a meal 3
  4. Add a few salad oil again ordinal stir-fry before stewing of lunch diced meat fries next carrot man, add a few salt, be left meal fries divide evenly, can add one small spoon to be born smoke, continue to break up fry, make meal bead is fried medicinal powder, fry the egg with next good decoct after coming loose, if feel,too dry word can add touch right now clean water breaks up quickly fry.

    The practice measure that pineapple egg fries a meal 4
  5. Those who fry is about the same next pineapple are fourth

    The practice measure that pineapple egg fries a meal 5
  6. Scatter finally on lettuce is broken

    The practice measure that pineapple egg fries a meal 6
  7. A dish of reeky pineapple fries a meal to be able to connect cast-iron boiler to go up together desk.

    The practice measure that pineapple egg fries a meal 7

Small stick person

Cast-iron boiler has very good heat preservation effect, suit to be used in the winter very much.
2020-02-18 JP needrealreview