Laver polished glutinous rice fries the practice of the meal, how to do delicious
Saw a friend eat this in wet Shan
Fry a meal
, asked probably practice, want to try all the time, eat well it seems that oh ~ and friends sent laver, also think a large number of using up, still can do besides the laver sauce that does salty delicacy crisp sweet laver fries a meal, the polished glutinous rice of the laver that decoct crosses and sticky glutinous still has now and then the scamper garlic rice that has, trifling the fragrance of sweet Qin, be too delicious really
It is two people portion fries a meal below

With makings 

Polished glutinous rice
Laver (not be Hai Tai) 10g
Sweet Qin
Edible oil
1/2 small spoon

Laver polished glutinous rice fries the practice of the meal 

  1. Get the materials ready, polished glutinous rice and rice scale are 1: 2, polished glutinous rice immerses 2 hours ahead of schedule, next with rice together abluent, add 1.1-1.2 the water discharge rice cooker of times is thoroughlied cook, specific water measures the rice that has according to oneself to adjust, anyhow rice is not boiled too soft.

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 1
  2. Laver is cut with scissors broken, a dish of such laver have 10g~ only

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 2
  3. Lukewarm boiler issues 10g cold oil, put laver to break small fire is fried slow, the appearance that fried 1 minute is in the graph, should break up ceaselessly fry, fire involves when I am fried, continued to fry 30 seconds with Yu Wen, give boiler. Laver must use small internal heat, paper very easily otherwise, fried process does not leave boiler, oil wants a little much dot, such ability can fry laver crisp.

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 3
  4. The laver volume that has fried can become little, color can have a bit to slant olive, tactility is crisp crisp, taste rise have a bit Jiao Xiang.

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 4
  5. Garlic cuts such size, do not cut end, two people portion a garlic, one person portion half garlic, be at ease, taste can feel garlic is very much not at all ~

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 5
  6. Carrot and sweet Qin cut size of grain of rice, sweet Qin I cut even leave together, do not understand why to eat celery to take staff only all the time, how does that leaf do ~ sweet Qin to join grace, 2 render palatable, but sweet Qin quantity should compare carrot little, do not put too much, much can seize flavour

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 6
  7. Scamper garlic rice, 10g oil is put in boiler, small fire fries garlic bead to slowly golden, do not leave boiler, garlic papered can bitter ~ to catch a carrot celery bead that has cut to be added fry together come to be born

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 7
  8. the break up of meal of rice polished glutinous rice that has boiled, put in fry together, add salt to fry divide evenly, the decoct is good laver before be being joined finally is crisp mix quickly fry even ~ to leave eat

    The practice measure that laver polished glutinous rice fries a meal 8

Small stick person

I had tried what fry with remnant rice, it may not be a bad idea eats, but what mouthfeel follows edition of meal of rice of polished glutinous rice is far apart, the proposal tries ~
2020-01-26 JP needrealreview