Colour any of several hot spice plants fries the practice of piscine cake, colour any of several hot spice plants fries piscine cake how to be done delicious
Feed capable person simply, cheerful colour, are you had " beautiful description but eat " ?

With makings 

Cuttlefish cake 250 grams
Yellow any of several hot spice plants
Red any of several hot spice plants
Garlic powder
Right amount

Colour any of several hot spice plants fries the practice of piscine cake 

  1. Material preparation is proper, cut cuttlefish cake and colour any of several hot spice plants into first reserve.

    The practice measure that colour any of several hot spice plants fries piscine cake 1
  2. Oil is added in boiler, turn over piscine cake into boiler after pot is hot fry, because piscine cake itself takes saline taste, the process that fries so is joined be born right amountly smoke can. Fry to cuticular appreciably golden, boiler reserves since.

    The practice measure that colour any of several hot spice plants fries piscine cake 2
  3. Oil is added in boiler, garlic powder is put to fry a fragrance after pot is hot, rejoin colour any of several hot spice plants breaks up fry. About 1 minute or so, a moment ago will fry ripe piscine cake to join, proper oyster sauce turns over rejoin fry can have pot.

    The practice measure that colour any of several hot spice plants fries piscine cake 3
  4. Quick worker is simple, open eat.

    The practice measure that colour any of several hot spice plants fries piscine cake 4

Small stick person

Piscine cake itself is cooked food, need not too long time can have pot.
2020-04-19 JP needrealreview