The practice of cake of piscine fried dumpling, how is cake of piscine fried dumpling done delicious
Like cake of this fish fried dumpling particularly, it is expert dish of the mother-in-law, understanding has get into the habit after her, teach oneself a grow into useful timber next.

With makings 

Flour Can

The practice of cake of piscine fried dumpling 

  1. What fish can be used, read him taste. I used large yellow croaker today, box horse does mobile moment to buy. Wash clean use cooking wine and saline souse, can put a few ginger one case.

    The practice measure of cake of piscine fried dumpling 1
  2. Green Chinese onion, ginger, chili, garlic gets ready explode boiler.

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  3. Match dish to be able to choose according to him taste, the mother-in-law likes to put celery and turnip, I put Xi Qin and apricot Bao stay of proceedings, do not put also be no problem.

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  4. Preparation nods the boiler since caraway to put.

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  5. If pursue,get the materials ready entirely.

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  6. Flour kneads a group with cold water, the lid lasts film wakes 20 minutes above.

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  7. Have oily pot, the fish pats flour fry in shallow oil to fill.

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  8. Explode garlic of sweet green ginger, put dish to turn over the fish that decoct adds to pass after frying, add cooking wine, soy, candy, clear water to boil. Small group of flour hold tight pulls thin pancake to had been stuck, conflagration boils, small fire is stewed, about ten minutes of juice close.

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  9. Bit of vinegar is added when leaving a few juice, put caraway to involve fire.

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  10. Fill the cake that gives to be boiled to appear by juice first, this goods is really delicious.

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  11. Fill again piece whole fish and of the tasty that boil distribute food.

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  12. Match bowl congee, unique and delicate.

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2020-04-21 JP needrealreview