The practice of soup of red bean of bare of the seed of Job's tears, how to do delicious
The platoon damp in fokelore is optimal, and try, changed give attention to two or morethings to drink Shang He
, taste is good still.

With makings 

The seed of Job's tears 20 grams
Bare red bean 20 grams
Gorgon fruit 10 grams
Red jujube 3
Egg 1
Pink of medlar, brown sugar, ginger Right amount

The practice of soup of red bean of bare of the seed of Job's tears 

  1. Dry stir-fry before stewing of the seed of Job's tears comes small yellow (can fry a dot more than to nod, the quantity that 100 grams are here)

    The practice measure of soup of red bean of bare of the seed of Job's tears 1
  2. Bare red bean, Gorgon fruit is abluent, red jujube is torn apart go nucleus, join parched the seed of Job's tears, bubble water;

    The practice measure of soup of red bean of bare of the seed of Job's tears 2
  3. Bubble water blossommed after 5 hours;

    The practice measure of soup of red bean of bare of the seed of Job's tears 3
  4. Enter high-pressured boiler, add water 1000 grams, exhaust hind involves fire 10 minutes, soup is drunk when boiled water into vacuum cup;

    The practice measure of soup of red bean of bare of the seed of Job's tears 4
  5. Remain transfer into ginger pink, brown sugar, knock an egg, scatter a few medlar, when breakfast!

    The practice measure of soup of red bean of bare of the seed of Job's tears 5
2020-02-08 JP needrealreview